Thursday, August 29, 2019

My father never had "the talk" with me. Not that my mother didn't push him to. He kept saying he'd get to it, but never did.

Instead, when I was 11, my mother walked into my bedroom, handed me a book, and told me to ask her if I had any questions.

The only question I had then, and now, is why did she get me a sex-ed pop-up book?

It was The Facts Of Life: Three-Dimensional, Moveable Illustrations Showing the Development of a Baby from Conception to Birth.

Image result for The FACTS Of LIFE: Three-Dimensional, Moveable Illustrations Showing the Development of a Baby from Conception to Birth

I remember reading it and thinking I was aware of everything in it. I have a much older brother, after all. For years afterward, I vividly remembered my impressions of the section on male reproductive cells. Which is why paisley makes me uncomfortable.